Friday, June 23, 2006

Coffee California: It’s Not Just the Coffee That Makes You Nervous

Coffee California is close… and they’re always watching. So stay the hell away from Starbucks bitch

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Condiment For The Moment: Toyo

Here’s to toyo, the condiment that has absolutely no nutritional value!

Using some Wikipedia diligence, I found that toyo has, aside from MSG, none of the wholesome isoflavones usually present in soy products and maybe even the chemical 1,3-DCP, which is possibly carcinogenic.
Alright! Now that’s what I’m looking for in a condiment: a little danger and a whole lotta delicious!

In honor of toyo, I’ve decided to share my favorite toyo recipe:

1 bottle of Toyo
1 Cup of Rice

1. Pour the bottle of toyo on the rice
2. Voila, lunch is served (did I mention I don’t know how to cook? Pancit-ulam, anyone?)