Thursday, December 18, 2008

Hello, I Love My Mom... and Mr. T

So it was my mom's birthday yesterday right? But I'm here in Taiwan and unemployed... How does one send her love and good birthday wishes across the South China Sea with a limited non-existent budget?

And lo, the answer revealed itself as this:

Happy Birthday Mom!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Scenes from Jason's Birthday Bowl

Jason makes a new friend...

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Call for Interviewees


If you happen to be browsing by my blog (hey man, it could happen) and you're:

1) In the Philippines
2) Using a prepaid SIM card

then congratulations! You are eligible to be interviewed by me for my thesis and receive a naked picture of my boyfriend (or whomever you like) as a token of thanks.

If you're interested, e-mail me at

(hey, it could work right??)

your help is greatly appreciated.



Monday, December 15, 2008

Cindi Lauper, is that you??

This is wierd and wonderful. Its like watching The Breakfast Club and seeing Tara Reid lip-synching to Cindi Lauper....

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Holy Embolism Batman!!

Woven bacon cheese roll of death

If I could learn to cook only one thing in my life, it would be this.

Hello, I Love Christmas Songs 3 : Zooey Deschanel & Leon Redbone

12 days before Christmas!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Hello, I Love Pretending I Care

This holiday season, are you wondering what to give that person from the next cubicle who you don't really care about but you feel somewhat beholden to because she/he always lets you take as much of his/her tissues and use his/her scissors to jimmy your file cabinet open?

Why not send them an e-card from They have some pretty funny holiday cards that say loud and clear "Hey man, I don't know you that well, but merry Christmas... now can I have more tissue?"

this is funny because this is what I will be doing on the 25th...

All I Want for Christmas...

... is a giant, firebreathing robot dog that I can ride around the streets of London.

saw this at

Hello, I Love Christmas Songs 2 : Phantom Planet

15 days before Christmas!!!

Hello, It's Almost Jason's Birthday

Monday, December 8, 2008

Hello, I Love Christmas Songs 1 : Raveonettes

16 days before Christmas!

Thesis a Progress Report

You always hear people say that it's hard to make progress if you don't keep track of your progress (okay maybe only I'm the only one who always hears it... from the strange voices in my head...). So to help make headway in the lost cause that is my thesis, I made the following charts to document how far I've gone after three months of thesis sweat, blood and tears:

Figure 1. Overall Progress

Figure 2. Number of Zits

Figure 3. Weight Gained (in lbs)

Figure 4. Stress-to-Output Ratio

I'm thinking of passing this to my thesis advisor in lieu of a real progress report...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Give Your Loved-Ones Herpes this Christmas is selling plush herpes microbes. They're cute AND educational! They also make good christmas gifts for your significant other; nothing says "forever" like big box of herpes.

UPDATE: I never noticed how much herpes looks like a fried egg...

Hello, I Love Sleeping Around

Here's an interesting article from on why women sleep around and how it's not as anomalous or unnatural as some people think.

If you have the time, you can read the actual study from New Scientist that the jezebel article cites, it's longer but it's a good read.

Anyway, now I understand why I never seem to get a lot of tail...

Figure 1. My hand...