Monday, August 17, 2009

For The Love of Marc Nelson

As if I didn’t make a big enough stink out of it in Facebook, I’m also posting an entry about the Kenny Rogers Urbanite run I joined last Saturday (if you haven’t guessed by now, not enough post worthy things happen in my life)…

Fueled by boredom (being a bum is only fun if you have money and friends who are also bums) and a white hot desire to gawk at, and possibly have my way with, Marc Nelson, I joined the run almost on a whim. Anyway, the results came out today (or yesterday, I’m not really sure) and considering my only training was palpitating while staring at topless photos of Marc Nelson I don’t think I did too badly…

Of course my real run achievement was this… (thats me and Marc Nelson, in case you can't make it out.. The reason it's blurred is that Marc Nelson is so hot that he blurs all pictures taken by cameras not forged by Gods in the majestic halls of Valhalla).

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