Thursday, November 26, 2009

Hello I Love Celebrity Couples

The Taylors

I know this isn’t exactly spanking new gossip, but looks like Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner are the new toast of gossip town. This is sort of like that time four years ago when all the blogs and tabloids were making a big hooha over Paris Hilton and Paris Latsis being engaged for all of four months. Apparently, people are suckers for the cheesy goodness of same name couples.

If this keeps up, famewhores everywhere are going to get ideas and start hopping on the matching moniker bandwagon. In fact, if I were a betting woman, I’d put my money on any of these famous/semi-famous/almost famous/infamous public personalities pairing up and forming the next Aww-inducing King and Queen of the tabloids…

The Jamies
Jamie Lee Curtis and Jamie Foxx

The Tracies
Tracy Chapman and Tracy Morgan

The Camerons
Cameron Diaz and Cameron Crowe

The G/Jerries
Geri Halliwel and Jerry Yan

The Kims
Kim Kardashian and Kim Jong Il

The Beau/ows
Beau Bridges and Bow from She-Ra

The Frosties
Frosty the Snowman and a Wendy’s Frosty

The Meatloaves
Meatloaf and an actual Meatloaf

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