Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hello, Moment of Spontaneous Defamiliarization

Blame my booking my tickets home too late, but now I’m pretty much alone in the campus with so much free time I barely know what to do with myself. This morning as I was trying to brush my lashes straight with a toothbrush, I suddenly got a weird case of jamais vu; it was like I was seeing a human face for the first time. And it was then that it struck me: Why do people consider eyelashes beautiful? I mean its hair… growing out of your eyeholes! They’re like thick curved tentacles surrounding your eyes *shudders* pretty disgusting.

I’m staying away from mirrors from now on…

1 comment:

joyfulchicken said...

Holy crap, I think you're right. Eyelashes are scary. I'll go pull all of mine out now.