Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Separated At Birth??

You decide...

Marlyn Manson Lady Gaga

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hello I Love December

Yay! It’s finally December! The month long diet hiatus officially begins! Cheeses, red meats and pastries everywhere beware!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Hello I Love Celebrity Couples

The Taylors

I know this isn’t exactly spanking new gossip, but looks like Taylor Swift and Taylor Lautner are the new toast of gossip town. This is sort of like that time four years ago when all the blogs and tabloids were making a big hooha over Paris Hilton and Paris Latsis being engaged for all of four months. Apparently, people are suckers for the cheesy goodness of same name couples.

If this keeps up, famewhores everywhere are going to get ideas and start hopping on the matching moniker bandwagon. In fact, if I were a betting woman, I’d put my money on any of these famous/semi-famous/almost famous/infamous public personalities pairing up and forming the next Aww-inducing King and Queen of the tabloids…

The Jamies
Jamie Lee Curtis and Jamie Foxx

The Tracies
Tracy Chapman and Tracy Morgan

The Camerons
Cameron Diaz and Cameron Crowe

The G/Jerries
Geri Halliwel and Jerry Yan

The Kims
Kim Kardashian and Kim Jong Il

The Beau/ows
Beau Bridges and Bow from She-Ra

The Frosties
Frosty the Snowman and a Wendy’s Frosty

The Meatloaves
Meatloaf and an actual Meatloaf

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hello, I'm a Sucker for Promos With Stickers

(stole this picture from somewhere, I was too lazy
to take pictures of the planner myself)

22 days, 17 cups of coffee and 4 pounds later, I finally “earned” my 2010 starbucks planner.

Am I happy?
I’m not sure, maybe I will be once my sweat stops tasting like toffee nut lattes..

Do I think the planner is worth guzzling 9 cups of Holiday Featured Beverages in two weeks?
I’m pretty sure it isn’t (I’ve only ever used non electronic planners for a maximum of two months).

If I don’t think its worth it, why did I screw myself over so willingly??
My best guess is I was driven by a compulsion to collect all those stickers due to deep seated frustrations at never having completed any of my Panini sticker books as a child…
*Update: I got another planner for Christmas which I am now using. The starbucks planner is now nothing but a fire hazard at home..

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hello I Love Excel Doodles

Ahh Digdug.. I never got past the first two levels but I loved it anyway

Hello! My Shoes are Sorta Kinda Famous!

Spotted: my shoes in the sartorialist! and in Paris no less!!!

Okay, so they're not MY shoes, but they're the same type of shoe.. It probably doesn't sound like much cause for excitement, but for me it somehow feels like fashion validation.. Like I'm on the right shoe buying track (I was beginning to regret buying these shoes).
ALSO the shoes are being worn with black stockings which i was on the fence about (because the shoes are open toed the stockings might be jologs or something)...

Happy happy! I know a pair of shoes that are going to get a lot of foot time in the coming weeks...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Hello I Love (My) Birthdays…

Here was my birthday cake this year (a few minutes before it was consumed)...

Sociopaths and pariahs take heart! Theres a silver lining to having nobody want to celebrate your birth: More cake for you!!

DISCLAIMER: I often distort the truth in this blog to either attempt to be funny or garner sympathy from the occasional reader. Family and friends, I only implied that i spent my birthday reclusively because I have a weird sense of humor, hehehe. Thanks for all the birthday wishes, my third 25th birthday was a blast! :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Yet Another Shoe Post...

I've always associated breaking in new shoes with breaking in a horse (not that I know anything about horses or horse training/riding. The closest I've ever come to it is driving a scooter I lovingly named "My Little Pony"). In my mind, both involve wearing out of the horse/the shoe a bit until they bend to your will/your foot. But three weeks after they were bought, my not so new pumps are no more comfortable than they were the first time I wore them.
I'm beginning to think that pumps are the footwear equivalent of those un-trainable wild bucks you see on the old Westerns... If anything =, I think it was my feet that broke: they're covered in wounds, blisters and developing calluses, plus I think my foot bones are slowly being rearranged and realigned.
I've completely bent to the will of my shoe and resigned to ther perpetual discomfort (incidentally, these are the same shoes which I called "surprisingly comfortable" when I first tried them on in the store). This morning, after changing into my pumps in the car, I made it out of the parking lot and into my office entrance before realizing I had put each shoe on the wrong foot...

Saturday, October 24, 2009

This Week’s Worth of Life Lessons: Shoes are a broke woman’s cocaine

This week, it seems as if someone turned my shoe obsession dial up to… well… as high as that shoe obsession dial can go. I suppose this is because people always want what they can’t afford and right now I can’t afford much of anything, let alone anything as frivolous as shoes. So naturally the siren call of new shoes has been stronger than ever, inexorably leading me to the jagged rocks of financial ruin. But I’m slowly wising up. Oh shiny new shoes, I will not be your bitch for much longer!! Here are some of this week’s shoe related life lessons:

- Being broke means being broke (repeat until it sinks in)
- The pair of pumps you just bought will never be the last you’ll ever want (no matter what you promise yourself)
- Don’t believe everything you see in The Sartorialist (or at least what you thought you saw); a pair of strappy sandals will never pass as closed shoes even if you wear them with black stockings
- Shoes are an expense that keep on.. um.. expensing (with new shoes comes new bags and accessories, extra travel expenses [the less walking you actually have to do the better] plus additional medical expenses [bandages and trips to an orthopedic doctor])
- The minute you step inside a shoe store you’re doomed… keep out to keep your money!!

Pictures of Past Mistakes:

I’m not sure if this is exactly the pair I bought.. from the shelf my shoes look like your basic black pump, its when you put them on that they really shine

Cognitive dissonance personified (shoe-sonified?), I feel like I’m going to be seeing this on the sale bin very soon

*couldn't find and was too lazy to take a picture of a pair of white, probably faux ostrich skin pumps with 3-inch wooden heels*

Future Conquests

(you shall be mine!!! you know.. as soon as I’m more financially stable or they go on sale.. whichever comes first)

*couldn't find a picture of these super cool Stellaluna wedges. The wedge part was 6 inches high and covered in shiny shiny patent leather!! I get a nervous twitch whenever I imagine them*

Coolest Shoes I've Seen This Week

Only Carine Roitfeld can pull these off though... or somebody equally skinny, leggy and fabulous

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Lessons From 80’s Rock Ballads

ROCK BALLAD: All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You
BY: Heart
Are you and your significant other having trouble conceiving? Save yourself the money and hassle of taking various infertility treatments. Why not have unprotected sex with a random (and more virile) hitchhiker instead? Have a wild night of animal sex, send him packing the next day and get your preggers on for the next 9 months. No consequences, no commitments, and for the cost of one night at a cheap motel you’ll be popping out a little tike for you and your husband to call your own!

Monday, August 17, 2009

For The Love of Marc Nelson

As if I didn’t make a big enough stink out of it in Facebook, I’m also posting an entry about the Kenny Rogers Urbanite run I joined last Saturday (if you haven’t guessed by now, not enough post worthy things happen in my life)…

Fueled by boredom (being a bum is only fun if you have money and friends who are also bums) and a white hot desire to gawk at, and possibly have my way with, Marc Nelson, I joined the run almost on a whim. Anyway, the results came out today (or yesterday, I’m not really sure) and considering my only training was palpitating while staring at topless photos of Marc Nelson I don’t think I did too badly…

Of course my real run achievement was this… (thats me and Marc Nelson, in case you can't make it out.. The reason it's blurred is that Marc Nelson is so hot that he blurs all pictures taken by cameras not forged by Gods in the majestic halls of Valhalla).

Thursday, August 13, 2009

How Now Brown Cow?

Well, the unthinkable has finally happened...

I finally finished my MBA (or, as they call it, my MS in BS).. What happens now? We'll see, we'll see...

*HINT: probably something that involves a boring desk job*

Monday, January 26, 2009

Goodbye For Now Taiwan

A month ago, I could barely wait to go home for Winter Break. Strangely enough, the night before my flight I can't help but feel a little sad to leave, especially now that the University is so quiet and deserted. It's actually pretty nice walking around campus without meeting anybody and hearing and seeing the few remaining dormers let it all hang out and talk and sing until mid morning. I also particularly enjoyed pulling out the lobby furniture into the dorm porch and having "lunch out" until 3 PM.

The old Tainan police station
Random building at NCKU

But of course, I'd pick the din of my semi-functional family and friends over the peace of an empty campus anyday. So, seeya Taiwan! My next post will be made from the Philippines...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hello, Moment of Spontaneous Defamiliarization

Blame my booking my tickets home too late, but now I’m pretty much alone in the campus with so much free time I barely know what to do with myself. This morning as I was trying to brush my lashes straight with a toothbrush, I suddenly got a weird case of jamais vu; it was like I was seeing a human face for the first time. And it was then that it struck me: Why do people consider eyelashes beautiful? I mean its hair… growing out of your eyeholes! They’re like thick curved tentacles surrounding your eyes *shudders* pretty disgusting.

I’m staying away from mirrors from now on…

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hello, I Love Doodles, My Boyfriend

looks like a 4 year old's picture stuck to the fridge

Doodle #1 using corel Painter my boyfriend's christmas gift:

Made It Through the Wilderness (Somehow I made it through...)

It’s officially Winter Break in Taiwan and I’m officially back from my three week cram-for-finals-and-thesis blogging hiatus. It’s a very strange feeling when you actually survive something that a few weeks ago you felt certain would crush you like a bug…

Anyway, to get me back into the groove of putting up posts, I’m putting up these e-doodles I made using excel during a particularly dull class.

I love excel!!!
Will be posting more in the next few days!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

It's Hard to Say Goodbye...

Hello, I Love New Year's Resolutions

There’s nothing like waking up at 10am on new year’s day in your party hostess’s bed, with everybody from last night’s party gone (including the hostess who probably had to sleep at a friend’s because you were hogging her bed) and just a vague recollection of what happened after you downed that last glass of Jesus juice, then stumbling out into the living room to get your things only to have your hostess’s housemate from out of town suddenly arrive and give you a confused stare while you make for the door before she thinks to call the police (ehem… this is a hypothetical situation of course.. cough.. cough), to fill you with shame and the desire for self improvement.

After that fateful (and hypothetical) morning, I took it upon myself to make the following promises to myself this 2009 so I can become the proper and accomplished not-so-young lady that all the Jane Austen books have conditioned me to believe I should aspire to be:

1. I will read less novels and more nonfiction… fashion magazines, tabloids and gossip blogs are nonfiction right?

2. I will introduce more variety into my diet … by putting oden sauce on my daily 711 siopao lunch every now and then instead of creamy soy sauce

3. I will be more charitable… (read: I will throw more marshmallows at stray dogs)

4. I will exercise more… by buying candy on shelves that I have to stretch or crouch down to reach

5. I will shed some weight… by wearing lighter fabrics (cotton pants instead of denims and corduroys)

6. I will be nicer to people… HAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, okay maybe not

7. I will learn to play a musical instrument… I’ve always liked cowbell

8. I will spend less money… by bartering or by obtaining a sugar daddy sponsor to do the spending for me

9. I will become proficient in a new language… namely, hip hop slang (It’s all gravy my baby)

10. I will never drink again… in the presence of friends with cameras and Facebook accounts